Wool, Wiltshire and All Manner of Wonderful Things!

Knit and Natter Friday.

Running a little late today. I have been baking more peanut biscuits for Mr E, and doing my online Christmas shopping, so easy! And what remains will be shopped for locally.

We went to York last week.

And after a lovely Christmas lunch we went for a stroll along the river and the sun came out just as we reached Clifford’s Tower.  From there we went to the Christmas market which was heaving with folk.

This jolly elf was dancing while he worked, and I did get to sample some mulled wine.

As the weather was alright on Sunday I bestirred myself and had a woodland walk.

Which just so happens takes me right past my Dad’s old house so I had a good old nose at what the new owners had done. New roof, new windows, whopping great extension, moved the greenhouse. Suffice to say. made it their own and it no longer looks like Dad’s home. So my memories are my own now.

Does that make sense?

Tuesday I made my Boxing Day Spicy Fruit Chutney.

The instructions read to heat till the cranberries pop then add the rest of the ingredients and I have to say they made a jolly good pop, and the house was filled with a lovely smell of spicy fruit, whereas I smelted of vinegar and needed a good wash.

The rest of the week has been about tidying and cleaning, not my favourite way to spend a couple of days but needs must occasionally.

Now I dare say many of you read Tialys post about the fund-raising she did for the twilight home for elderly dogs and that some of her lovely crochet dogs had not sold. I just knew that the French bulldog had to come to England and I asked Tialys if he was for sale, and she said she would just send him to me, she normally just asks for a donation to the dogs home. Here he is, and isn’t he so cute?

Currently living on the dressing table in our bedroom. Look carefully and you can what I look like when concentrating, oh dear.

Anyway Pierre, did I tell you he said his name was Pierre, is settling in just nicely. And of course I have made a donation to the Twilight dog’s home.

And I have discovered that I can knit donkeys for a donkey rescue centre.

As to the black/white cardigan for Toddler J , I am on the right front border and collar now. There may be a finish this month.

I am hoping that the weather is ok this weekend and we can visit a beautiful house decked for Christmas.

So have you plans for treats this weekend. Do tell, please.

Be Happy,




Comments on: "Knit and Natter Friday." (33)

  1. Looks like you’re making the most of the season, Cathy. What a gorgeous trail for a walk.

  2. The time of year is so busy–it’s smart of you to be getting outside, too, for some nice walks and quiet time. I love the popping of cranberries! And the heavenly smell. I’m glad Pierre ended up with you–he looks to have settled in very well!

  3. What a lovely puppy! Tialys does a wonderful job with all of those puppies and I love the charity the funds go too. Brilliant! Your chutney looks wonderful.The Christmas market would be a favorite place to shop for me. That elf looks like he’s had a bit of mulled wine as well. 😉

  4. Mr. Tialys is the chutney maker in our house and I’ve shown him your lovely photo which will hopefully inspire him. (I mean the photo of the chutney and not of you in the mirror 😉)
    I’m looking forward to seeing your donkeys.
    I’m off to Zumba & Pilates classes in a minute. I’m not really in the mood but I’ve missed three weeks for one reason and another and I really need to fling myself about and then do some pelvic floor exercises before I start to go downhill fast(er). Then, I’m going to finish a top which is my ‘visible’ project when Mr. T. is home because I’m working on a sewn project for him and have to put it away so it doesn’t spoil his Christmas surprise.
    I hope the weather is good for your house visit and thank you again for helping those old doggies.

    • I admire the flinging around, and hope you are not too stiff from it all. I have come down with a sore throat and sniffles today, so am having to rethink my weekend, it may mean I get the front of the cardigan finished.

  5. Not much going on here. It’s -17C here.
    I’m just tucking under my blankies crocheting scarves for the Salvation Army. (watching re-runs of Silent Witness, yes the bbc) I’m making scarves as fast as I can- I worry so about those out in the cold! If I could stand the cold I’d go out and put them around people’s necks myself- ha! ha!
    My oldest teen girls (16 & 17) are going to the Library for a History exhibit and their 2nd jewelry making class there. The classes are for all ages and they love the people. The rest of us will just peek out the window sipping hot cocoa till it warms up to at least -3C! :o)

    Oh and about your dad’s house. Same thing happened to us- my mom sold our lake property that I had summered at from age 3 to age 30. And we sold our lake property that I had summered at from age 30 to age 58! Both places are now completely unrecognizable to us!! We truly cherish our memories of how we had it when it was ours, the new people have made it all their own so quickly! We are happy for them, but were so surprised how much they changed it all! Life moves on so quickly doesn’t it! Bittersweet.

    • Yes it was bittersweet to see the dogs run gone and the greenhouse moved, the roof has been redone and is a different colour, as are the windows, so it is a different house and Dad’s house is safe in my memory.
      It sounds very chilly in your part of the world. Saturday has dawned sunny here and 9C, which is somewhere in the 50sF I think.
      I think your girls will have a great time at the library , an exhibition and a class sounds wonderful.
      Enjoy the hot chocolate.

  6. Ah Pierre, is a sweet boy! Your chutney looks yummy, would you share the recipe? It looks like something we would enjoy. :o) This weekend will be the adult choir Christmas program. Only three songs this year, but they have had very hard on those, and I think it will be exactly right.

  7. We’re due for a torrential wild and wet weekend, so I’m holing up in my sewing room to see if I can get the quilting done, and the Husband will be out front, trying to repair two enormous holes which have appeared in our causeway before the rain starts again. As we do charity donations instead of gifts at Christmas, we don’t have to do loads of shopping or wrapping. But I am having to get the decorations up soon…

    • I hope your wet and wild weekend does not cause havoc for you. I hope the quilting session goes well and you enjoy the process.

      • It’s going to be messy, but nothing we’re not already used to. I have two rows left to quilt, and then I can start putting it together. Exciting!

  8. Oh, I can smell the berries cooking! Yum!

    We have plans to put up the tree this weekend, and have family coming over Sunday. Plus the usual things. 😉

  9. I love the smell of chutney cooking, I used to make it regularly but I’ve got out of the habit, you’re tempting me to start again 🙂

    • The hardest part was when I realised I didn’t have enough jars. So I emptied out some rhubarb jam I made in 2012, and sterilised those jars, then emptied out plum jam from three more circa 2014- I made this into a jam sponge, in all it took from 9.30 to 2pm to make , but it is now very satisfying to look at in the cupboard and to know I have lots of homemade goodness to give as presents.

  10. Lovely Pierre! I too received a parcel from the lovely Tialys yesterday – aren’t we the lucky ones 🙂 I can only imagine the delicious aroma wafting from your bubbling pot of goodies.
    Such a good idea to make something like that to get you in the Christmas spirit too. My week got a little sidetracked with the decoration of the conservatory (don’t ask) so I’m still at the wrapping stage of presents. Still ahead of the game though 🙂 Have a good weekend!

    • Thanks to internet shopping I am now well in front as everything is being delivered to the right people. Now I understand why my FIL always gave gift vouchers and my Dad sent hampers. I have the energy to think and seek out thoughtful birthday gifts, but not individual Christmas gifts. So this year it is family size gifts, although over the year I have acquired little things for children, the odd book, game or craft material, and I always make surprise gifts of anything I make myself.

  11. claire93 said:

    Mr E is going to look like a peanut biscuit soon lol.
    Pierre looks happy in his new home, and the Twilight Home for Retired Dogs will be pleased with your donation!

    • There were 48 in this batch and they were big biscuits. I have no idea why when I use the same method and ingredients the biscuits turn out different each time- size of eggs maybe? Pierre is very contented, and for a dog very easy to look after.

  12. Hi Cathy, I think we are having a fairly chilled weekend with a wee bit of Christmas shopping and making the first batch of chilli jam for Christmas presents. Your chutney looks fab. Enjoy your weekend Cathy x

  13. Pierre est tres mignonne!
    And that chutney looks scrumptious – I love the smell of chutney cookin, although it must be nearly 30 years since I made any.
    I have a busy family weekend ahead – kids Carol Service in Wimborne Minster tonight, then my son and family arrive for the weekend – pub lunch, walks, games and Christmassy stuff til Sunday night. It will be wonderful to see all my children and grandchildren together again, there are15 of us all together.
    Have a good one Cathy. ❤

  14. Sounds you are really on top of things for the holidays. I have barely begun shopping and I think this weekend will be spent decorating. Maybe ;). Enjoy your weekend.

  15. Oh, that chutney looks scrumptious! And how nice that Pierre has come to stay with you. My weekend is weather-dependent as there is snow in the forecast and everything here stops totally if there’s a flake in thought. Assuming n one knocks down or digs up any of the electrics (now mostly underground, thank goodness!) I may bake, might knit or crochet, and might even get a start on some holiday gifts for the magician who does my hair. Housework? Only once the clean clothing gets a bit low . . . Hope you hae a lovely time visiting a wonderful house! 🎄 🎄

    • That sounds like a good weekend to me. Hoping it doesn’t snow on you.
      I have been writing Christmas cards this afternoon and what I want to know is why do I never have enough cards? I count people, I buy the right number of cards, and stamps but always run out of both. Mystery!

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