Wool, Wiltshire and All Manner of Wonderful Things!

Posts tagged ‘bunting’

Sew, Knit and Natter Friday.

Sew, time for an update again. Actually I have been on holiday the last week or so. I never feel comfortable saying I am going, after all it’s a bit of an open invitation to a ne’er-do-well. The mountain of washing awaits, and I am a bit tired. Anyway we had a big nice time which is all that matters. Only mishap was Mr E thinks he got caught by a traffic cop coming home from the airport, oh and the dishwasher we hardly ever use, fused the house whilst we were away. How exactly could that happen? Never mind. What do you think about saying you are going away on your blog? Friendly or a plain daft thing to say? So apologies if you thought I was being a bit remote recently, I had drafted up some posts, and with the help of Mr Technical Wizard himself, I posted them, although it was weird posting pictures of rain drops when I knew the UK had a heat wave. All I can say  is that the heat wave could have lasted a bit longer so I could dry my washing.

Anyway I have two big thank you’s to begin with. Should there be an apostrophe there?  Probably not, but spell check is happy.

First  a big thank you to Robin from Imperial Crochet for nominating me for a Versatile Blogger Award. It’s always lovely when someone does that.Please pop over and visit her blog, she writes a lovely post. I am supposed to tell you 7 things about me that you may not know.

  1. Mr E and I met as students many moons ago, we have been married nearly 43 years, if we don’t squabble too much and last that long.
  2. There is a wedding in the family coming up soon. Oh you knew that?
  3.  And a new baby. You knew that too, let’s try again
  4. I was hopeless at school at anything crafty, needleworky etc. In fact I was asked not to do Art and Needlework O’Level because I talked too much and put the others off.
  5. But somehow I managed to get a City and Guilds Creative Embroidery successfully under my hat. So there!!
  6. I am a glass half full kind of person, I swear the sun will shine at some point in time today.
  7. I loathe and I mean loathe beetroot.

I should now be nominating others for this  award, but since you are all just very versatile and great I nominate everyone, please tell us one thing about you which we may now know, or go the whole 7.

And secondly a big thank you to Wild Daffodil 

for this enormous pile of hearts for some bunting for the wedding. Did I mention a wedding before? Thank you from the bottom of my heart , such a kind and wonderful thing to do.


a pineapple, one of Daffy’s own patterns. How cute is this?

Sew, there hasn’t been much knitting etc going on round here, but I did get some buttons sewn on the baby’s jacket, did I mention a new baby before?

It’s for a boy, can you tell?

Well maybe there was a tiny bit of knitting whilst Mr E spent all day packing. I take an hour, he spends ALL DAY till I get him out the door.

A lot more knitting, crochet and maybe sewing next Friday. Meantime have a great weekend and I look forward to some natter, between washing that is.

Be Happy!