Wool, Wiltshire and All Manner of Wonderful Things!

June Photo Challenge

The topics for this month were bridge and river. I was also carrying over Tea Shop and Teddy Bear from previous months.

At the end of May and after the May deadline I went camping with my son to Cheddar Gorge. On the Saturday morning we drove to the village of Cheddar and in the space of five minutes I had

A purple teddy bear in a shop window, sorry about the reflections.

A tea room

a river and a bridge.

But it was still May so I ruled the above picture as not counting for my June challenge. Besides which I knew exactly which bridge I wanted to visit, having spotted it on a map of the walks at Coate Water. A Curly Whirly Bridge. Yup, that’s what it’s called and that’s what it does.

Here goes my walk to the Curly Whirly bridge

Do you see it?

Bit nearer?

It’s actually part of a cycle track to allow cyclists


the M4 motorway

from London to

Bristol and beyond into Wales. It was a bit scary up there for sure. And it curls down the other side too

Now that is a bridge!

So onto a River picture, which I just happened to get on my way to the Lavender farm in Bourton on the the Water. Such an aptly named little town.

Oh and look another bridge!

Please leave a link to a post you have done this month in my challenge to get out and about looking for bridges and rivers, in the comments. and apologies for posting late. I have spent the day thinking it was Thursday!

July’s challenge is People and Toys. Good Luck and Happy snapping.

Comments on: "June Photo Challenge" (13)

  1. You found them all! Lovely pictures đŸ™‚

  2. Bourton on the Water looks lovely! But that curly bridge… yikes, yes… that looks a bit scary!

  3. Going Batty in Wales said:

    Bingo! You got them all! The Bridge near Bourton on the water is very pretty but I love the curly one! So unusual!

  4. What a satisfying haul of photographs!

  5. well done getting caught up, teddy looks like she is riding the bike. The Curly Whirly bridge looks a bit scary, much prefer the stone bridge in the last picture. I posted yesterday although I had to check that it was Thursday.

    • I am supposed to post on the last Friday of the month! Oh well. I wish the purple teddy had come out minus the reflection, but at least I finally found one. I was intrigued by the name curly whirly bridge, truly an ingenius design on a cycle path over a busy road.

      • your photo challenge link says the last Thurs. so that’s when I posted – guess I was a day early. I like the purple teddy riding the bicycle, it’s an interesting reflection.

  6. I like the curly whirly bridge – I think it would be great going down there on a skateboard đŸ™‚ Love the teddy bear, it has such a cute face. I went to Bourton on the Water in my teens and loved it – I hope the passage of time hasn’t spoiled its prettyness.

    I went on a river cruise in Manchester a couple of days ago, if you had been with me you would have been spoilt for choice for bridges, there were so many of them.

    • Bourton on the Water is still very pretty. Unfortunately it’s very much on the tourist route. I was there mid week and quite early the Japanese and American tourists were just starting their day. A group of hikers was assembling by the river ready for a tramp somewhere. At the weekend you are lucky to get a space in the carpark.

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