Wool, Wiltshire and All Manner of Wonderful Things!

Scrap Happy- May 2021

Rather a lot of Scrappy projects this month. First of all the scrappy single bed size crochet blanket was finished and delivered to the care home. Apparently the residents liked it.

Dining table understudying for single bed.
Folded and ready to go.

However there were a few crochet blocks left over.

Winging their way now to a group who make blankets for the homeless.

The blanket wasn’t made solely from scraps as I ran out of yarn and had to purchase more, which of course left me a bit leftover.

Quite a lot leftover.

So I decided to knit a hat for the Age U K Innocent hat project . Only it quickly became obvious that one hat doesn’t take much yarn, so why not use instead my jar (actually I have two jars) of small balls of leftover yarn instead.

So I am.

There’s a Facebook group for this, naturally. Some people knit the hats by the 100. I am aiming for 25, so watch this space.

And now for something completely different.

Found this strange thing Mr E had made on his 3D printer, any ideas?

Well it makes these

Scrap paper plant pots.

Do pop over to Kate’s to see all the scrap happy makers and their projects, herehttps://talltalesfromchiconia.wordpress.com/2021/05/15/scraphappy-may-4/

Comments on: "Scrap Happy- May 2021" (38)

  1. Wonderful leftover yarn projects! Interesting contraption made with the 3D printer!

  2. Scrappy projects are so much fun. I enjoy a second (or third?) chance to work with some special yarns before they are gone from stash.

  3. I love the blanket. Crocheted many years ago. That is a much better shot of the cardigan. It’s even more stunning in this shot. Wish it fit me. 🙂 The little elephant is off the charts cute. I feel she’s a Lulu. First thing that came to mind when I saw her. Those tiny hats are adorable too. I have no clue on the printer project item. Great scrap day.

  4. Awesome blanket, and other scrappy projects for charities. I make scrappy blankets for the homeless shelter near us, too. I make baby layettes for the local newborn ICU unit (where preemie babies go to have a fighting chance at life). Many of these little angel are soooo small. Many come from teen moms and are often addicted to drugs at birth. Such a rough start in life, but so precious. I never thought about making flower pots out of scrap paper. Thanks for the idea. I’ll have to try it. Have a great week.

    • Thanks Bear. It’s satisfying isn’t it to use one’s skills to help others. My eldest was five weeks early and fortunately for me my Mum went into overdrive to knit small size things for him. She had to adapt patterns because they didn’t exist back then.

      • I was full term, but only weighed 3lb, and was addicted at birth.. that was back in the late 1960’s, so they didn’t have the skills with little ones they have now. I used to have some of the baby dresses I wore… they were actually doll clothes. So very tiny. My Granny made many of my clothes, up even through high school because it was so difficult (and still is) to find my size.

        • Oh bless you Bear. T was 5lbs 5 oz, no reason for being early. One of those things. Glad your Granny was able to help.

  5. Congratulations that blankets looks fantastic! I have seen the Innocent initiative many times, does the cause they support vary every year or do they have a fixed charity? But anyway, they look super cute! You doing so much good in the world, thank you so much.

    • It’s the same charity every year to support the elderly, with advice and friendship. Using my skills to help others makes me feel useful.

  6. That’s a very cheeryuppy blanket – and a 3d printer – I’m slightly envious!! I have someone to suggest for the rest of your teeny balls…
    Sandra Cherry at https://www.cherryheart.co.uk/
    In particular –

    I think I might be making something like this, once I have sufficient scrap – I’m shockingly slow!!

  7. Such a beautiful blanket! And those small hats are so cute!

  8. That is a lovely cheerful blanket! No wonder the recipients like it 🙂

  9. there’s nothing quite like a granny square blanket, is there? yours is a stunner (and would look rather nice on my own bed, never mind the frail care centre… 😉

  10. Brilliant – a seed pot maker! I am behind in my donation hat knitting. Will have to do some catching up now that sock knitting won’t be a daily thing.

  11. Gosh, I must first pay tribute to that really lovely, happy, colourful blanket before I welcome Mr E to the ScrapHappy team. The Husband wants to know if he can place an order for 3D printed ‘fairing clips’, which is apparently a doohickey for attaching the smooth plastic bodywork of a motorbike to the frame underneath….

    • Thanks. Wish you lived nearer for the clips. Mr E is still fighting his second hand greenhouse. Rain is stopping play. My chief duty is hosing the mud off things.

  12. Murtagh's Meadow said:

    Busy as always. Love the blanket and you innocent hats

  13. wonderful, bright, cheerful blanket for the care home – of course the residents liked it! the little hats are adorable, they look like thimbles. I had a very nice wooden plant pot maker and gave it to granddaughter, the 3D printer one looks great, clever husband.

  14. It’s good when the OHs get in on the Scraphappy vibe isn’t it? I still can’t quite get my head round 3D printers – I’ll just have to watch one in action.
    I’m ashamed to say I started making those mini hats one year and got as far as two and, even then, I don’t think I got round to sending them off so twenty five will be very impressive.

    • The idea of using one of my two jars of teeny tiny balls of yarn is very appealing. Sensible people would just throw them, I can’t ! It’s also beginning to be addictive.

  15. That’s some blanket and what sweet little hats. Fascinated to know that you have a 3D printer. What else might you get made for you?

  16. Oh how wonderful – I wish I lived in a place where I could buy the wee hatted drinks – not to mention what a great use for scrap yarn. And what an interesting contraption to make plant pots!

    • When you see the hats in a supermarket they really make me smile. Mr E does love his gadgets and this one worked a treat,

  17. gorgeous blanket, lovely hats, and I’m sure you’ll make your goal of 25 and still have scraps left over ^^ And well done to Mr E for getting a look-in on today’s ScrapHappy post!

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