Wool, Wiltshire and All Manner of Wonderful Things!

I took this picture ready for Yarn Along, But Ginny being otherwise busy ( she announced a new baby is on the way ) , meant she didn’t put up the link this month. That however doesn’t mean I can’t share my lovely yarning, so here it is.

I am really enjoying this Kate Morton book- The Secret Keeper, set in London and WW2 and the present day, we have a story of love and mystery, perfect Winter’s reading with a nice mug of something hot.

As to knitting, this is to be a sleeveless cardigan for my granddaughter, who doesn’t like sleeves. The pattern is an 8 row repeat and I have to concentrate or I get lost! But at least it’s not scary, unlike cutting fabric…… you can’t frog a cut piece of material.

The above are the two paragraphs I wrote last week, since then I have finished the book and returned it to the library, read another book and started my current read “The Children of Jocasta”- early days but shaping up nicely.

As to the knitting I finished the left front and started on the right side. Clearly the pattern writer and testers found it a confusing pattern too- they got it wrong- several pieces of paper, some head scratching and a good nights sleep later I got it sorted. I shall write and tell them in due course.

Meantime the January blues started, which happily coincided with the Winter sales. Hurrah.


Inside enough yarn and patterns for two cute dinosaurs.

Inside the other, something to brighten the days for grandchildren and some yarn to make a Harry Potter bobble hat.

Happy Days!

I wondered how everyone else had cheered themselves up in Winter?

Comments on: "Yarning Along – January 2021" (35)

  1. That’s a beautiful piece of knitting and the dinosaur is going to be sooooo cute. What is it with kids and not liking sleeves? My neighbour’s daughter is the same – however cold the weather.

  2. Love the vest you are working on! The dinosaur and HP bobble hat kits look great – looking forward to seeing your projects!

  3. Lovely piece you are working on and how wonderful to get some treats in the mail – that is a great way to help the January blues!

  4. Lots of yarny retail therapy going on here!
    You have certainly got masses to keep you going for a while – some fun projects!

  5. I hoped you loved the ending to the Secret Keeper – Kate Morton is so good at adding those final twists!!

    Your yarn looks lovely, as always 🙂

    • Oh yes I did- I saw the big twist coming from quite an early point, but it was the little ones that got you there which surprised me. Third book in a row with the main male character called Jimmy- what are the chance of that I wonder, as I didn’t set out with this in mind!

      • Ha! I love it when coincidences like that happen! I’m so glad you loved the book – as you know, it’s one of my favorites!

  6. Looks an interesting texture. Annoying though when a pattern is not right. I have been helping my daughter with an online “Treasure Hunt” Lots of tricky pictures and answers to cryptic questions to find. Given me a bit of eyestrain though peering at the screen so much. So I am supposed to not be having much screen time for a bit so better go. 🙂

  7. Out winter has been a big surprise, lots of blue skies and warmer temperatures than usual…I imagine this means we will have blizzards in April and May, I hope not! Because of that I have managed to NOT buy anything yet, but I am wavering……love the cardigan and those dinosaurs!

  8. I have The Secret Keeper on reserve; it should come free in two days! I’ve also just finished A Single Thread by Tracey Chevalier, which was very enjoyable, especially as it’s about Winchester, where I spent my foundation year at Art College. A lovely nostalgia trip. As it’s a hot and sweaty summer here, my purchases would definitely not be cosy yarns or warm fabrics. I’m desperately trying to work through some stash and unfinished projects while I’m kept in the house by rain, humidity and heat.
    Love the chunky, colourful knitting, by the way!

  9. Great stuff you have in there, ready to fight the winter blues! I’m trying to do exercise and read, winter is for sure a tough season!

  10. That yarn in your project is really cheery! I just need a few bits of sunshine to keep me in a good mood and we had two days of it this week. But I also bought a new notebook cover for my reading journal – a bit of pink for those grey days. I have not read a Kate Morton book but she is on my to explore list.

    • Oh yes sunshine is always a good thing in Winter- we have had a lot of grey days recently. How exciting to have a new notebook cover, stationery shopping is always cheering too.

  11. claire93 said:

    nothing like a bit of retail therapy to cheer us up ^^

  12. Your knitting looks lovely but it does annoy me when a pattern is not right – how can that be if it’s tested properly?
    I confess to being tempted to a couple of items of clothing when my favourite shop had a sale but have managed to avoid more yarn and fabric. We have had a lot of packages since we moved in from mops and buckets to pillows and blinds – I feared we were getting a reputation for excess consumerism but there were just some things we had to leave behind and had to replace. A package always cheers me up but also the fact that, as Mr. T. is working from home and so gets up before me, I usually get a cuppa in bed in the morning – at least on weekdays. 😁

    • Now that must be a real treat, both that he brings tea but also working from home. The downside I notice when chaps are home is they expect feeding at regular lunchtimes- in retirement that took some getting used too. We also had a lot of deliveries when we moved, no loo roll holders here, bizarre, for a start.

  13. Happy post! Parcels are always good.

    Walking outside and seeing two robins together was very cheering. Saying hello to all I met (sad when a few do not reply and have clearly seen me, I think they’re actually frightened of speaking even at a good distance away…)

    Music. Books. Podcasts. Messages with friends. Reading your blog post and seeing your very happy knitting.

  14. I buy warmer fabric & patterns for same — but you already knew that! Hopefully, I’ll have some posies for the weekend if my grocer has them in stock this week, (They didn’t last week. 😞.) Wish I had more confidence a squidgy package from your Wool Warehouse would arrive safely, as I’m desperately searching for cotton yarn over here (and refuse to resort to ordering from big A). Buy Local!

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