Wool, Wiltshire and All Manner of Wonderful Things!

This one’s a bit different. I’m trying to keep myself amused during Lockdown the third, and I have turned to a list I wrote when reading the early chapters in Julia Cameron’s book about being creative in retirement. The list begins If it weren’t too late I would…. well that list has grown over the weeks and some things I can do during lockdown in lieu of ” an artist’s date” ( an outing you take by yourself to kindle interest in life). So last week I tried chopsticks. Then I was faced with what to do with the leftover pineapple chunks which had gone into my meal, and there underneath 1 Learn to use chopsticks, was 2 Make a pizza. Many years ago when my sons were little I had supervised them with a ready made pizza base and toppings, but never had I made onw from scratch. Time to get to work.

One pizza base made, off to rise for 15 minutes in the airing cupboard.
Leftover pineapple chunks, scraps of ham, grated cheddar.

I remembered many years ago chatting to a fellow student in my college days and him explaining to me that Pizza in Italy is a peasant food, made from leftover scraps of food from the week before, so there is no right or wrong way to make one, everyone has their own preferred method, and anything can go on a pizza, you jst use up your scraps.

One ham and pineapple pizza.
with leftover tomatoes and cucumber from my Christmas fridge.

I quite fancy making another with mushrooms- do they have to be leftover mushrooms, or could I just buy some…

I wondered what everyone else likes on a pizza, do you make your own or buy one?

Please pop over to Kate to see other scrap happy projects- link here-https://talltalesfromchiconia.wordpress.com/2021/01/15/scraphappy-january-5/

Comments on: "Scrap Happy day- January 2021" (60)

  1. Ooh what a tasty scrappy project! The boyfriend and I go veggie mad with pizza – mushroom, garlic, bell peppers, gherkins, olives, jalapenos, sweetcorn, artichoke hearts, carrot strips. It’s almost healthy!

  2. Third lockdown?! Wow, that would be a challenge to keep busy and stay positive! I love making pizza. I will put crazy topping on mine. I’ve done BLT pizza, various white pizzas, chicken caesar salad pizza, etc. My favorite has ranch for sauce, mozzarella, spinach, black olives, and ricotta. Yum!

  3. Great to see you breaking more boundaries. The pizza looks very yummy!

  4. Home made pizzas are always the best! I use tortillas.

  5. Well that didn’t spark off the pineapple shouldn’t be on a pizza debate! 😂😂😂

  6. You have really started something here. I haven’t made pizza from scratch since the teenagers were home. Your pineapple and ham is my favorite followed by Italian sausage with a little zip. My daughter and I are watching a Netflix series called “Cooked” and learning about cooking from scratch. This fits right in and I love the idea of using what’s left over or scraps. You just went outside the box! Brilliant.

  7. Your pizza looks great, and that is a wonderful way to use up leftovers! We like onions and peppers and/or pepperoni 🙂

  8. That sounds like an inspiring book you are reading and your pizza looks delicious! That is so cool the experiments/adventures you are having – so did you try and eat your pizza with chopsticks??! 😉

  9. What a great scrap happy post! ❤️ we make home made pizza on Friday or a Saturday night, yum!

  10. Looks good. Definitely worth doing. These days I make two bases, one for now and one, which I part bake, for the freezer. If I hadn’t given up all things tomato I would use some tomato puree but now I use a spreading of pesto and a bit of cheese, then sliced mushrooms, and frozen sweetcorn, because I always have some but chopped peppers are good, then a sprinkle of garlic, some protein: often sardines these days but ham, bacon or chicken if I had them. Topped with more grated cheese a few olives and a drizzle of olive oil. If you like tomatoes sliced ones along with the mushrooms are good.

  11. oh, yummy! A scrap happy pizza, what could be more delicious.

  12. Murtagh's Meadow said:

    Making me hungry

  13. That looks yummy. I’ve started making pizza with sourdough as I’m quite addicted to it. Lockdown has brought out a few talents in me 🤩

  14. What a yummy scrummy scrappy idea!
    I don’t order pizza, but long ago had been known to make it with a wholewheat crust … might have to see if that recipe’s still in my book… Thank you, Cathy!

  15. I love this scrappy post! :p

    We usually make our own pizzas because of the cost of getting pizza out. But we try to keep a pizza or 2 in the freezer AND still occasionally order out because it’s one of the few meals that we all love!! My husband is in charge of all of the pizza-making though… he loves it! It’s pretty intimidating to me, honestly.

    Well done with your own pizza!!

    • Can’t see my husband ever making a pizza- he very occassionally makes a chilli, but I can’t remember the last time. What a good idea to make and freeze some pizzas.

      • Making and freezing pizzas is a VERY good idea… we usually keep store bought frozen pizzas around, but you’ve just given me a lightbulb moment. Thank you! 🙂

  16. I have to eat gluten free so learning how to make gluten free yeast pizza and bread is on my list of things to try. Your pizza looks delicious

  17. YUM! Great use of scraps!

  18. claire93 said:

    looks delicious!

  19. I love hearing about all your new adventures.
    That pizza looks delicious.

  20. Susan Nixon said:

    Definitely different, but now I want one, and I have no scraps of any of those things. LOL

  21. Oh, that pizza looks yummy. I am a tomato basil mozzarella gal, personally, but I can’t deny good looking food!

  22. If you’re going to be a regular pizza maker, may I suggest a pizza stone. A big heavy slab that you heat in the oven first and then slide the pizza on to it (a bit tricky) for cooking which facilitates getting the base just right.

  23. Now that’s a proper ScrapHappy pizza! I think if you fancy mushrooms, then it would be OK to buy some, just like I have to buy thread or batting to make a quilt from my scraps. The majority should be scrappy, and the balance of new stuff only enough to finish it. Congratulations, and I hope it was delicious!

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