Wool, Wiltshire and All Manner of Wonderful Things!

Knit and Natter Friday.

I read this week in the Telegraph that knitting is good for the health, and just as good as yoga for a sense of well-being. Well what a surprise! So from now on please regard knit and natter as a lifestyle health post which is very very good for you. I mean honestly , and really, is this news dear Telegraph?

So without further ado, I finally completed the navy cardigan for Baby J.

The colour is not very good in this picture, the true colour is navy, which fortunately shows up quite nicely when I show you it with the outfit I bought to go with it.

I love the train buttons!

Disaster struck us this week when the snow melted,  a hole appeared in the barge board on the gable end of the roof. Fortunately our friendly neighbourhood roof man could fit us in this week. So there has been much bashing, crashing, coming and going and please to move the car, and yes please a mug of tea, and two sugars for him and one for me…. so it didn’t feel a sensible plan to start the crochet blanket with racket and interruptions occurring every half hour.

On the plus side the death certificates I sent away for pertaining to long deceased ancestors arrived. I love the one for an 81-year-old chap, reason for death…old age. I mean that is really what my old Dad died from age 91, but we had a massive rigmarole of reasons for death. And both ancestors died at home, which is nice really.

I started a new knitting project though. Well for health reasons you know.

Just for a change I thought I would knit a cardigan for Little Miss F. Three different colours and a holey pattern. Brill.

Kate reminded me it was Scrap Happy day yesterday. I didn’t really have anything to post about, till I recalled I had made some lavender bags as I wanted to put one with the outfit for the babe.

The one at the back was leftover fabric from an old embroidered cloth I had bought and cut up for something. The other two just scraps of fabric. All the ribbon came from my ribbon jar which is either leftover ribbon or ribbon I have deconstructed from various cards, gifts, or bits of packaging. It felt good to have the sewing machine out again. It’s been too long.

It was Mothers Day last Sunday in the UK. I have loved seeing all the super flowers , cards and gifts Mums received. I had tulips, such a lucky Mum/Nana.

Such a pretty colour, so Spring like.

When I went to get some money for the roof man yesterday the bank lady said it was going to snow at the weekend. NO IT IS NOT,  I have plans big plans for this weekend. Really really exciting plans and it is so not going to snow.

So how has your week been? Any plans for the weekend? Do you knit for health? It means of course that the yarn stash now counts as medical supplies!

Do tell..

Meantime have a lovely weekend and Be Happy,


Comments on: "Knit and Natter Friday." (54)

  1. I think you’ve just posted your own version of that dress – is it blue? Is it black?

    Train buttons – very cute!

  2. Well we now know it DID snow, but did NOT screw up your plans for the weekend, so all is good with the world. Must be the therapy that knitting provides…..

  3. I love that knitting is good for your health. Not that I knit, I just include all fabric related crafts in that terminology where this is concerned! I love those train buttons! So adorable. You may need to get some more, as little boys do love their trains!
    I’m currently watching the snow fall again, so I hope your plans weren’t thwarted!

  4. The train buttons are awesome x I’ve got snow here – hope your weekend plans haven’t been scuppered!

  5. […] retail therapy lately . . . and not feeling in the slightest bit guilty!  I read recently on Nanacathy’s blog that knitting is apparently excellent for our health and well-being.  If we follow that […]

  6. Oh, no! I don’t knit–what will I do for my health?! Your cardigan turned out to be so precious–would it be to much to ask to see a photo of the baby in that outfit?? And Happy Mother’s Day to you–your tulips are the prettiest flowers I’ve seen in ages!

  7. I love that my knitting counts as a healthy pursuit! Could have told anyone it helps mentally and emotionally- the continued survival of all of my students proves that🤣
    The navy cardigan turned out great!

  8. So, does this mean that my knitting supplies can count toward my medical deductible? Wouldn’t that be nice!? The sweater is perfect with that outfit, and the train buttons 😍. Now for those gorgeous tulips….almost the same color that I had at my wedding years ago. Tulips are such delightful things.
    It started snowing here about 3 am and we are now up to about 8 inches.😳 I am doing a happy dance here, I uploaded my audition recording this am, Hoping I don’t have to resubmit, but if I do, at least there will be some comments to help me improve.

  9. The little jacket is beautiful and I adore the train buttons. Hopefully we won’t get the snow but I won’t mind if the very soggy ground freezes! Wishing you a lovely weekend too 🌹🌻🌼❤

  10. Lovely cardigan and the buttons are so cute! It’s funny how blues can be hard to photograph accurately. Not sure why. Beautiful flowers and I hope the snow keeps away. I am presuming we won’t have any here. I think we’ve had our allocation for the next few years!

  11. I knew that knitting was good for me, and for those around me – 🙂 – but I did not take it to that next step of yarn as allowable medical expense. You are BRILIANT!

    love the little navy blue cardigan – and with those buttons, it makes the perfect finish to the little outfit.

    The little colored sweater will be darling as well. Is it for the future owner of the dragon?

    Lastly – beautiful flowers – bright enough to keep snow away. And to fend off future holes in the roof! Not sure about you but I have had enough snow for a few months. 🙂

    • Yes it is for the dragon owner. Can’t wait to givethe dragon to her at Easter, I even have the dragon eggs now for the nest.
      I have most certainly finished with snow this year. Nothing like you have had, but in the UK we don’t get snow every year so the powers that be are helpless in the face of a flurry of snow.

  12. Oh no! Hope the snow doesn’t spoil your plans. I only saw the local weather last night, so not wise about what it’s planning for your part of the world. The little cardigan is absolutely beautiful and really works with the lovely shirt and trousers. He’ll be fighting the girls off.
    The flowers are such a pretty colour!
    Oh yes, knitting is so good for us. I was invited to a focus group last year run by a lady who is doing a PhD on knitting and well being funded by Exeter Medical school – great to see it being taken seriously!

    • Maybe it was her report the Telegraph was citing? I hope she has not been pipped to the post. Feeling more confident that even if it does snow , big plan will happen!

      • The telegraph report was done from some Knit for Peace research. I doubt there’s any real pipping to the post in this sort of thing – more adding to the weight of evidence. She’s been doing lots of original work with knitting groups too. What makes me cross – as with so many things – we who knit all know how good knitting is for us, yet it takes a whole load of scientific research to prove it before anyone takes notice. So pleased the plan is likely to go ahead and looking forward to the big reveal about what it actually is.

  13. Knitting and crochet have helped me through challenging times since I was a child, so both are definitely essential for my mental well-being – not so sure about physical – both require a lot of sitting.
    Before settling down for lots of crochet today, I had a glorious walk along the beach at 8 this morning looking for pebbles that look like breasts ………… what???! doesn’t everybody do that???
    Didn’t find any
    I have to find a beach with ‘considerably bigger buns’ .. I mean pebbles
    Might try that tomorrow morning.
    Sunday I’m on Granny duty and we are forecast some snow as well – but not much and it should only last for one day.
    That cardigan with the train buttons is adorable – love the whole outfit!

    • I am not even going to ask why. Yes I am , why were you looking for breast pebbles?

      • I have an idea for a Silly Saturday post, which requires particularly shaped pebbles – I’ve just got to find the right beach with the right pebbles – not beachcombing weather here this weekend though, quite a lot of medicinal crochet will be taking place instead. Keep cosy.

  14. That is a gorgeous little outfit! I’d wear that myself! Assuming it was completely resized, of course… Train buttons are awesome, too. Mother’s Day is a bit sad for me. I have no children, and my own mother died over 30 years ago. I need a mum to borrow, or perhaps someone’s children…? I could certainly use a nice bunch of flowers like that. Sadly I can’t help myself to a nice cheering medical knit, but perhaps I can find some scrap yarn somewhere and crochet something very, very simple.

    • I can imagine that Mother’s day is hard for you, I am lucky still to have my Mum even if she now has Alzheimers and lives miles away.
      Some scrap yarn and a little crochet sounds just perfect.

  15. 😂😂 I love the idea of wool being medical supplies! I also love those train buttons, and love how the bright blue really shows up against the navy cardigan. Isn’t light a funny thing…. You wouldn’t believe the same colour could look so different.
    I’m not sure about the health benefits… I mean… No Matter how much crochet I do my ear infection is still taking an age to clear up! But, crocheting while I’m unable to work has definitely given a sense of purpose and achievement to this enforced rest time, and I’m seriously grateful for that. 😊

  16. Lovely cardigan! Funny how I seem to have collected a room full of medicines over the years. Every time I take some it has the same side effect. I need to buy more 😉 Great post!

  17. claire93 said:

    oh what a lovely thought, Cathy! creative medical supplies!

  18. I’m a bit tired after a trip to Manchester this week to deliver a dresser and microwave to my niece and to celebrate her 30th birthday… belatedly as a result of the last lot of snow. All this meant I didn’t manage to get round to Scrap Happy this month, although passing on no-longer-needed household items is in the best tradition of avoiding waste.
    This weekend I’m planning to be very healthy and do lots of knitting… a squishy parcel arrived whilst I was away and I’m just itching to make use of the contents. I probably shouldn’t start anything new until I’ve finished the socks I’m knitting, but I don’t care because it will make me happy. I will be going to a funeral tomorrow morning for a knitting friend (we met at Knit Night) so I will be thinking of her as I cast on and I will remember the laughter.
    That little cardigan is wonderful… worth all the effort with the fiddly bits! And the buttons are delightful.
    I will keep my fingers crossed that you don’t get snow – I know how fed up I was for the whole weekend when we were trapped here.

    • I am delighted that you are gong to be taking such good care of yourself. I read your post last night about the loss of your friend. What better way to remember her than by knitting. I hope the funeral goes well for you all.
      Passing on furntiture is a brilliant way to avoid unwanted things going to land fill. Your neice is lucky and I am glad you finally managed to celebrate her birthday.
      So far, no snow, here’s hoping.

      • Well, the funeral has been and gone and the knitty ladies went and then we went to the thing afterwards and we talked about Pauline and realised that there were lots of things she had wanted to do with the group that we never got round to… so we are going to do some of them… visiting the lavender fields and going to Shetland are both on the list. We thought we might start, however, with a trip to the Welsh Woollen Museum.

      • I am pleased that the knitty ladies got together after the funeral to remember and plan. Pauline seems to have had some great ideas. The lavander fields of Province and the Shetland isles are on my wish list of places to go. Is that the Woollen Museum in Newtown? It’s on my to do list especially as I have discovered that I have an ancestor from Newtown and my brother is not far from there. Just as soon as life goes back to a more normal I hope to go and see him, Mum and the museum there. Good luck with all the plans.

  19. I was just going to toddle off to bed for my beauty sleep when this post dropped into my mailbox – so of course I stopped to read. And boy am I glad I did. I wonder if we will be able to get yarn on the pensioners health plan soon…… I spent some time this afternoon making my final decisions about colours for a blanket I will begin work on soon – and sent my order off into the ether. Now I wait. I’m also going to start work on a scrap throw to use up as much of my bits as possible. I’m umming and aahing between just crocheting rows in different stitches or doing a pile of squares. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated 🙂

    I loved the colour of the blue top with the train buttons more than the navy one – but I understand it was the dads preference 🙂 No matter, those train buttons are brilliant!! I hope you sewed them on tight! You made such a lovely job of the cardigan.

    The tulips are beautiful and I shall hope it doesn’t snow for you this weekend. It can’t be wintery all over the world at the same time can it? We have a very windy and quite cold blast hitting us straight off the Antarctic today and over the weekend. It’s a good weekend to stay inside and finish off all my cards and get started on my scrap blanket.

  20. Love that little outfit – I see you’ve definitely put your stamp on it with those gorgeous train buttons.
    Don’t talk to me about Mothers’ Day 😦 My daughter in the U.K. had got me something but gave it to her Dad to bring over to France with him and he forgot. My other daughter is still in France but it’s not Mothers’ Day until later in the year here and then she forgets because her sister isn’t here to remind her.
    I hope the snow stays away for you – probably just the English press getting hysterical again.

    • I expect Mr Tialys was in the dog house last weekend. I hope he was duly contrite.
      I loved the train buttons, poor little sausage is only 5months old, he’s supposed to be in pretty clothes still.
      So far so good on the snow front. Big plan half accomplshed, think we are going to be ok!

      • Apparently, there is something lurking in his cabin bag which will not be revealed until Sunday morning which will be my ‘Mothers’ Day’ so, yes, I think he is contrite. And so he should be!

      • Quite right too, don’t let him off too easily!

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