Wool, Wiltshire and All Manner of Wonderful Things!

Knit and Natter Friday

We visited a wonderful museum yesterday. It deserves a post of its own, which I will do this weekend, when my  thoughts are in line. It is the Bradford Industrial Museum, I thought you might like a taster.

Housed in an old mill , called Moorside Mill, an old Spinning Mill.

Lots of machinery to see.  This one is for twisting the yarn onto the cheeses, I think they are called. So much to see, I took over 45 photos  for me to think about. Thought I would share one more today. This is a splendid bedspread in a reconstructed mill workers cottage from the 1890s.

Isn’t that fabulous?

Meantime there has been a little knitting on the gloves, for ME.

Bit plain? Next time I show them they won’t be.

The Repair cafe, just in case you missed the post , was good. We had £36 donated for the repairs and £26 for the teas and coffees.

I did a bit of crochet while I was there and a little bit more afterwards.

All from left over yarn . I plan to make a blanket for a raffle prize for the Repair Cafe.

I don’t seem to have done much crafting this week,  still rather tired after the weekend .  I also felt a bit sorry for myself as I needed an emergency dental appointment for a wobbly crown. All is well though.

Hope everyone out there is well, and if not try to just take it a day at a time, and do look after yourselves. Find some “me time”  and make something nice. Over to you all now for some wonderful nattering. Have you been somewhere interesting or made something fabulous? Do tell please.

Love you all,




Comments on: "Knit and Natter Friday" (35)

  1. Love these old museums, full of textile treasures! That quilt is gorgeous–do you have any close-up photos?? I get all twitchy when I hear about dentists and crowns–so many bad experiences of my own. I’m glad your issue was easy to fix (if costly!) I will spend the weekend at my quilt guild’s biennial show–maybe I’ll show some photos soon!

    • I shall look forward to seeing your photos of the show, it sounds great. I couldn’t get any closer to the quilt sadly, but some more textiles to come.

  2. That mill looks like the one they showed in North and South….:) Your gloves are amazing, you are so quick with your needles! Have a nice rest, I am am off to the state Make It With Wool contest, get to stay in a hotel and everything! 🙂

  3. It sounds like you need some me time! Your gloves are lovely and I can’t wait to see them in their decorated form. Congratulations on such a good return for your repair cafe.

  4. I am waiting anxiously for more of your museum photos/post!
    Love your trips, photos, information! I love the peek into the life of the mill worker’s cottage. So simple back then!

    I noticed the chamber pot too! My Scottish Gran said after my dad (her only child, he was very spoiled) was born; a lady brought her a pudding in a chamber pot???!!! Not realizing? I never asked, I was too young to know what a chamber pot was!!

    Sorry to hear about your tooth. I hate going to the dentist. Glad it wasn’t serious.
    Your knitting is amazing! The gloves are lovely!

  5. That quilt is gorgeous and your gloves are fabulous already!!!

  6. I would love to visit that mill and see how all the processing steps were carried out.
    Sorry about your tooth, I have a lot of issues with mine too, and a day of having them worked on is a lost day, not to mention the costs! Never fun.

    • £50 just to have a crown put back in is not amusing! I wish that the museum had been running the machines when we were there, sadly they weren’t.

  7. Nowhere interesting, but crafting is in high gear as I prep for Christmas gifts! Next weekend is a moonlight corn maze episode, looking forward to that!

  8. I think that’s a museum we visited when I was at school… must go back one day!

  9. well done on the Repair Café profits! Will that money be reinjected to buy more supplies? or will it be going to a local charity?

    • The repair cafe is run under the auspices of the Kirkbymoorside environment group, so all monies have gone into the kitty to carry on the good work. The next event is a give and take day for people to take stuff they no longer use and take something of use to them. Am hoping to persuade Mr E into doing some giving and no taking!!

  10. I too am aghast at your gloves – what patience! I guess you use 4 dpns to do it – I really don’t like knitting with dpns so I am very impressed! Looking forward to seeing how you jazz them up. I have been away for a few days on an archaelogical dig with Archeoscan: http://www.archeoscan.com
    Which I can highly recommend. 3 days scraping away earth on a Roman site and finding little bits and pieces. About 12 people, gentle chat amidst the silences of concentration and lots of mysteries to try to solve. I hope to do it again, but I’ll have to have a stern word with my knees about that! They complained – a lot!
    And some yarny activity has also taken place: https://daffodilwild.wordpress.com/2017/09/29/crochet-mandala/

    • How exciting an archaelogical dig, big fans of time team here. Youngest son and friend once dug a trench in our garden but found nothing, they were about 8 at the time!
      I just use ordinary needles for gloves, they are so not hard!
      Love your mandala so thanks for the link.
      Have a great weekend.

      • How cute! My grandkids go mining, their Dad shores up the sides of a trench and hides things in the ‘mine’ for them to find. Maybe I’ll put knitted gloves on my list of things to try – however it is a lonnnnng list!

  11. Thank goodness Nice Piece of Work pointed out the chamber pot – I was fixated by that rather more sturdy piece of equipment at the foot of the bed and wondering what sort of nightime ‘requirements’ necessitated such an industrial looking container.
    All those hexagons on the quilt – wonderful!
    I feel your (dental) pain as I had a crown for years which became wobbly on several occasions and had to be fixed until my dog head butted me under the chin and fractured what remained of the root so I had to have an implant :/
    Have a good weekend!

    • This chamber pot fixation says a lot about the bloggers I hang out with ! I have no idea what that metal box is for, any ideas anyone? It is supposed to be the room of a dressmaker and probably where the customers would get changed. It doesn’t help with the container though.
      This is the second time I have had to have the crown refixed, the words implant and £2000 were mentioed along with small plate. I am currently eating on the other side of my mouth!

  12. Oh my goodness – you knit gloves 🙂 I am impressed. I too noted the chamber pot and it took me right back to my early years when my favourite aunt, twenty years older than her sister, my mother, lived in a house with an outside loo and kept a ‘potty under the bed for emergencies’ I was fascinated by it! We’ve not really had indoor plumbing for all that long!! I haven’t completed any projects this week, but am making an enormous light catcher for my daughter, a memorial light catcher for a friend who lost her dog in a road accident, still plugging away at making cards to give as Christmas presents, bracelets for gifts and trying to get the garden planted up for summer. When I say garden I mean my tiny courtyard and when I say trying I mean looking at it from time to time and sighing ………. I haven’t done any painting for weeks!

    • It’s hard to remember that indoor plumbing is relatively new, and people can recall having a potty under the bed. Wow a light catcher sounds a wonderful project, perfect for Spring days. My gardening tends to be a bit like yours.. I will do that weeding when I have finished this sleeve.
      Gloves aren’t hard, not compared to cabling or socks, it’s only about counting!

  13. You knit GLOVES WITH FINGERS? I’m in awe!!
    The museum in Bradford looks amazing, I would love to see it for myself one day.
    PS. I did notice the chamber pot under the bed — aren’t we lucky to have modern sewerage systems 🙂

    • I missed the chamber pot and had to go back and look for myself. A truly gross bit of kit, and I am most grateful for an indoor loo.
      The fingers are easy enough, I use a tried and tested pattern from Sirdar.
      It will take me a while to go through all my photos from yesterday and make a good selection as there was so much to see.

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