Wool, Wiltshire and All Manner of Wonderful Things!


At the start of the year I set out to divest myself of clutter and also attitudes that led me to panic somewhat about life’s ups and downs. This month something has finally clicked into place. I tackled problems with the burglar alarm and a blocked gutter. I finally decided what to do about the plastic grass at the front of the house, and how to make it better , attracting bees and birds etc without adding too much work for myself, a plan is in place for the tail end of the year.

I have previously read several books on the subject of decluttering, all helpful, all encouragaing, but something held me back from total commitment. Then came the day I couldn’t find a particular garment in the wardrobe..why? Because it still contained things I don’t wear but hadn’t passed on. That was it. Out have gone 4 dresses, 4 pairs of trousers, 1 skirt and a top..all taken to the charity shop along with five books, two of which had been waiting in the carboot to go for months and some costume jewelery. Just like that! As I cleaned the house later I kept finding things that really I didn’t like.. things that had got old and tatty, faded and well useless- gone- in the dustbin.

Under my own steam I changed light bulbs- two years ago I was terrified to touch them. I changed the printer ink cartridge- a year ago I asked the computer man to do it- this year I just did it and it works. It sounds ridiculous but when you have spent years and more years not doing things and being scared when it’s all down to you now, I can’t explain how liberating it is to know how to do simple stuff I should have been able to do all along.

I have learnt that I need to really rest after I have pushed myself- occasionally actually going upstairs for a proper nap. I sometimes need days when I do precious little but read. I greatly benefit from the company of friends and family and from just being outside. We’ve had some wet and wild windy days, but have also been blessed with some pretty warm and sunny ones. All help.

So my aim for the rest of the year is just to keep going with the things that seem to work for me.

Joining a day late with Carolyn and other one worders, link here-https://youronewordblog.wordpress.com/2023/09/25/checking-in-9-23/

Comments on: "Divest-September" (28)

  1. a few months ago I couldn’t find a type of art pencil – I knew they were here, because they are boxed

    that got me started, as I decided to try and group things together – I was well into the stuff all over the place, when the pencil boxes came into being. but I had to carry on.

    then I as I’m going away in a few weeks, I hit my clothing and much of the now “over worn” items have taken a hike. But also looking hard at those hand me downs that aren’t my favourite things…

    working away at it bit by bit and making progress

    so I fully understand your need to “sort up” etc

  2. You sound so much more confident today, than in your first divest post. You have grown so much this year! I can’t wait to hear the plan for the plastic grass heave ho!

  3. Congratulations and that is smart to take a break after pushing yourself, I’ve learned to do that also. You have conquered the light bulbs!

  4. Learning and conquering new things makes our brains work which is good but might also require a bit of extra rest. Sounds like you are moving forward in just the right way.

  5. We all have things that we rely on others to do, but its empowering when we figure them out for ourselves. I think these accomplishments will continue to propel you forward. I’m glad you’ve acknowledged the benefits of family and friends, along with the great outdoors. Simply stepping outside seems to clear my head and lift my spirits. Well done, Cathy.

  6. Sounds to me like you’re on a roll! And that some of this is feeling REALLY good and comfortable… (I think we might both be feeling a sense of ‘better late than never’ this month.) Here’s to your progress!

  7. Going Batty in Wales said:

    Gosh Cathy you are on a roll here! What a lovely post. Doing things for the first time – even apparently simple things like changing a light bulb – is daunting if you have never done it before. And I think we are often very good at making do, putting up with things, finding a work-around, until one day something snaps and we say up with this I will not put any longer! And then we move stuff on, do small jobs. But it is exhausting because it takes oomph and courage and is scary, so yes rest afterwards. But it does get easier. A couple of months ago I managed to find out how to know which colour was low and order a new cartridge for the all singing all dancing laser printer my son bought for me AND install it and you would have thought I had just won Bake off or Sewing Bee I was so chuffed with myself! I do find that asking myself ‘What is the worst that can happen if I try to do this and fail?’ is helpful but even if the answer is ‘not much’ I still have to psych myself up to have a go!

  8. Lovely to read your post just now Cathy, and hear how well you’re getting on! I was thinking of you earlier, whilst looking up how to re-ink the little roller that masks bank statement kinds of info (so identity thieves can’t use it!).
    As you said, something clicked yesterday, and I realized all the things I’ve been putting off can be ticked off one or two each day. Thank you for the inspiration and for being such a fine example! 💕

    • Oh bless you for your comment. I shred my confidential papers. I have an awful sinking feeling that my current shredder has past its best before date! The best way is to try to stay on top of everything..one or two a day, till it’s just a habit.

  9. I am impressed! Too often we get overwhelmed by things and stuff, and moving it on seems too hard. Like you I feel that the time is right to get rid of stuff, hopefully in a sustainable way as possible.

    • Absolutely ! My First thoughts are has anyone asked for something and then to donate, then things go to a charity shop and final port of call is the recycling centre.

  10. I’ve enjoyed reading along through this journey. I look at my stuff with a different eye now. And stuff in general. It only selectively enters our house these days. Naps are necessary.

  11. Well done you! What a great month you’ve had! And yes to staying with what works for you!

  12. Sounds like your on a roll and we’ll done for changing lightbulbs etc. I really should do things like that more. Look at you, Independent Woman. X

  13. Well done Cathy, your divest plan is definitely working as you have achieved so much this year. Now, can you come and de-clutter my wardrobe please? 🙂

  14. That sounds like an excellent aim to have Cathy. Go with what works for you – if not now, when?

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