Wool, Wiltshire and All Manner of Wonderful Things!

Knit and Natter Friday.

When I was at work the time between Fridays seemed eternal. Now I am retired I no longer think “Thank Goodness it’s Friday” (TGIF) but Good Gracious it’s Friday (GGIF).

So GGIF! And hurrah this week, yesterday Mr E finished his radiotherapy. Please may that be it for now?Let us re-build our lives.

I went to the Quilt exhibition last Friday and thoroughly enjoyed myself. The theme was Beeside the Sea( They are the Queen Bees Quilting Group). I took loads of pictures and I will get round to sorting them to show you my favourites. Meantime this was their central display for the theme.

which given my scrap happy picture seemed most fortuitous.

Pure coincidence.

And I only bought two pieces of fabric, neither of which was a fat quarter, how good am I?

It’s Mr E’s birthday this weekend, he fancied a bistro set for the patio, only problem was the only place he could get the one he wanted was in a shop near his hospital, so poor love ended up collecting it himself.

Couldn’t be having that, so after my dental check up ( all good, apart from some mouth ulcers I didn’t know I had) I went shopping. What to get someone who can’t do over much? I opted for a foody hamper, which I made up myself, posh Greek olive oil and olives, nice coffee and dark chocolate, posh black cherry jam which he can have with croissants I bought to eat from the patio set. I also spent a fortune on magazines for him, gardening, Yorkshire and photography, have to get him interested in life outside hospital. Should do the trick do you think?

So as far as I am concerned today is Saturday, laundry and shopping to do which is what I would do on Saturday so we clear a whole day in the end as birthday. With everything shifted on a bit, if you see what I mean.

Meantime knitting -fairy still awaiting construction, and I need to make new wings, wrong colour again.

So I started to knit a cardigan for Little Miss F, yikes why don’t I read patterns properly before I start, back and fronts knitted in one piece with a lacy pattern in variegated yarn. What was I thinking? Well clearly I wasn’t- thinking!

I am crocheting the Eastern Jewels blanket, now on tile four, if I get that done and the first row completed I will share a picture progress shot next week.

Meantime I have been inspired to take my patchwork quilt out and finish it! Honest! Two  years and counting in the making.

This weekend will be birthday weekend, not sure what else might be done. What about you, any nice plans? The schools here will close for their summer break, so everywhere is going to be full of children and tourists. Better than snow and ice I keep reminding myself.

Birthday cake to ice now!

Please join in with the natter, it really makes these posts what they are. Love to hear from you.

Be Happy,


Comments on: "Knit and Natter Friday." (52)

  1. dezertsuz said:

    I’m so glad to hear that’s the last one, and I hope he is done and good. A patio set with a load of magazines to read sounds like just the ticket for a birthday.

  2. Mr E has finished his radiotherapy. Yippee
    It’s his birthday, yippee
    Enjoy every flipping minute

  3. claire93 said:

    many happy returns to Mr E. I’m sure he didn’t mind having to collect his own birthday present, as long as you can all sit out and enjoy together on his birthday.
    We had a most unpleasant Friday. A terrific storm, with incredibly high winds . . . power cut for 6 hours (some parts of our village had to wait over 24 hours to get electricity restored). And once it was over, outside to see the damage. Fruit trees felled in the orchard. Hen coops blown over and needed repairing. And Cléo’s (the neighbour’s daughter) trampoline flew up in the air and landed (a total wreck) in the Stream. After the floods in June, the storm last night . . . we’re wondering what August is going to bring.

    • Oh my goodness Claire, I do hope you had a quieter night, that sounds like some storm. Good luck with the clear up.Thank you for the birthday wishes!

  4. Happy birthday to Mr E and wishing him a speedy recovery from his treatment. It sounds like some perfect gifts to compliment his bistro set. Have a fab weekend x

  5. I hope Mr. E has a great birthday weekend, you certainly came up with thoughtful special gifts.

    A shame about the fairy wings. Are you going to knit more fairies to go with all these extra wings? And the cardigan sounds nice, if challenging! What a lucky little girl she is. Can’t wait to see the squares and the quilt!

    I love the scrappy picture, so pretty and nostalgic. 😊

  6. Sorry to be late – drove down to Spain for a few days so will spend the weekend catching up with Mlle. Tialys the elder who helped the younger house sit for us while we were gone. Happy Birthday to Mr. E. and I hope you both have a wonderful day today. x x

  7. Happy Birthday Mr E! I love your gifts you put together for him! So thoughtful! I’m so happy to hear he has finished this part. And so glad he did well. Such happy news I needed to hear. I’ve had a rough week. And I try not to worry about tomorrows troubles, but sometimes when it rains it pours. So I delight in happy news. The photos of the exhibition are so pretty. And isn’t it fun to have coincidences like that!
    Thank You for making me smile today, even tho here there’s only 40 minutes left of Friday! LOL!

  8. Hope Mr E doesn’t need any more treatment, and happy birthday to him! Hope you are doing ok? x

    • Thank you Christine, I hope so too. I am just grateful that I don’t work anymore. Nine years ago when he had cancer before I was working and that was tough going , keeping money coming in and normal life going.
      This time has been marginally easier, apart from the the grass cutting! We just live a day at a time.
      Now hopefully we can soon start to make plans.

      • Thinking of you both. I think it is a good mantra to live by, taking each day as it comes. It is something I am trying to do more and more as I get older xx

  9. I will be helping my sister purge at her house, we have a friend and his son visiting Saturday night, so Sunday morning will be a big breakfast to share. I am sure knitting or sewing will happen too!

  10. Murtagh's Meadow said:

    You always seem to pack lots in. Good that Mr. E’s treatment has finished in time for birthday celebrations. Hope you all have a wonderful time.

  11. My goodness, you have a lot going on! I just read through the comments too 🙂 Your creativity doesn’t seem to have suffered any with all the stress of your husband’s health – which I send you my congrats on coming through on. Having your loved one in and out of hospital and having radiation is not at all easy – stress builds in odd ways so do take care of yourself too! The patio set sounds just the best idea and your additional gift tops it all off I think – I wish you both many hours in the healing sunshine and fresh air, feet up, readers on and many happy plan-making hours and giggles as you make your way through the magazines.

  12. Nice to hear such good news about Mr E. Your presents do sound perfect. I love the beachy theme at the Quilt exhibition. Hopefully heading to a beach this weekend. Thinking maybe Heysham or somewhere that sort of way. Xx

  13. Wishing Mr. E a most spectacular birthday, continued recovery and good health in the coming year. I love the presents you and he have selected, sitting outdoors in the sunshine will do much for body and soul. My weekend is just odd, may have to do something different to mix things up. I swept the carport this am 😳, it was sorely in need and have bread rising. I have a binding to sew, little Dutch girls to work on, and a set of cd’s to pick up at the library. I have two pairs of shorts I could work on, but I guess I’m in the mood to do something different. Maybe I should try a new ice cream recipe? Guess I’m a bit out of sorts, but no reason for it!

    • I can identify with this feeling Kathy. All is well! ❤

    • Sorry you feel out of sorts, hope it passes soon. I blame the weather! Ice cream making seems a perfect antidote.xx

      • I think I was just tired. I judged 4-H presentations last night, and by the time at drove home it was 11, and I usually go to bed at 9! I weeded the garden and swept out the carport while my bread was rising, and this afternoon we went to the library. Now I have no idea what my issue was!😆 Have a great celebration this weekend.

  14. Happy Birthday to Mr. E and congrats on the end of treatment. Glad you got some rest as well, Cathy. Love to see photos from other quilt exhibitions and I cannot fathom how you got out of there with so little fabric! Enjoy your celebration.

  15. Happy Birthday to Mr E. Looking forward to seeing the Eastern Jewels blanket update.

  16. Lots to celebrate this weekend, for sure–and you’ve done a marvelous job of thinking of all the details! Best of luck to Mr. E–I hope this means the worst is behind. I know it’s taken a toll on you both and you deserve some time to re-group!

  17. Happy birthday to Mr E, your hamper sounds absolutely delicious and the magazines are a very good idea. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy your whole day of birthday celebrations, both! xx

  18. I know how good that ‘end of treatment’ feeling is. Well done for making it through, Mr E. I do love the sound of that hamper you’ve put together, perfect for outdoor noshing!

  19. Hurrah!!! So good to know the radiotherapy chapter is closed – how wonderful to have that to celebrate along with a birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR E!!!!!!!
    Your present sounds fabulous – goodies to adorn the Bistro Set – what is a Bistro Set?
    Sounds like you have lots of lovely projects on the go.
    Have a fabulous weekend!

  20. Happy birthday Mr E 🎂😊
    Your gift sounds just perfect Cathy ❤
    Please let me know if there is anything you are collecting for your next junk journal. I’d love to help if I can.
    Love Tracey xx

    • Thank you for the birthday wishes and thank you for the junk journal offer. I saw a lovely one yesterday- I have joined some Facebook groups- anyway this was a fabric one with pockets inside which were mini journals for writing in.
      I think this may be the way for me to go with my family inspired junk journal. I need to write and collect the ephemera first, then make the book. Backwards again! I reckon I can easily make small books, it’s the thought of the enormeous books that daunts me, the sewing in of the signature pages. However I may have found somewhere that teaches this. I watch an awful ot of You tube at the moment. I think I can make a fabric journal, I have after all made fabric books.
      I went to Hobbycraft this week and got some distress ink but they didn’t have the brushes people seem to use, I might have to get them mail order. I also succombed to some Tim Holt pictures , mostly because I wanted to see how big they were and what they felt like. I have some truly wonderful pictures of my parents when they were little, one of Mum in a crazy bathing suit and one of Dad looking so solemn in a sailor suit.
      I need to tea dye some pages.
      So much to do!
      How are you getting on with your journalling. I got some super napkins, would you like some? Email me your address and I will send some. Happy mail is lovely.
      So exciting.

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