Wool, Wiltshire and All Manner of Wonderful Things!

One Word Update- June

My One Word this year is Yield. Two meanings – to produce something and to give way to something.

I have been taking comfort from the quote from Mortimer and Whitehouse in their Gone Fishing book.”the secret of success is not how to catch, but how to enjoy”. And so if my crafting has taken a back step this month I have been enjoying the fruits of my labour in the garden, the small amount of crochet I have done, the few books I have read (still wading through the pile from the library..down from eleven to four) and getting out and about for my photo challenge, and enjoying every moment.

So let’s look at Yield- to bend or break under pressure, to give up control or responsibility for something.

Well Yes. I mentioned on Friday a major blunder on my part.

I stood in the garden about four weeks ago and thought with envy of the garden furniture I see everywhere. Lovely comfy sofas, footstools, tables etc, and looked at my tatty table, chairs etc.

On my way home from the poetry group I popped into a garden centre for some plants, and there was a smaller sofa than ones I’d seen before..ooh I thought, I wonder.

Two weeks later I was passing by again and thought would it still be there? Well I bought a set, but was told it would be a week or so for delivery. I was so excited, not just a bit excited but a lot excited. Breakfasts outside, lunches outside, sewing outside . And the sun came out and the weather forecast improved. I cleared a way through the garage for delivery to the garden.

The day came for it’s arrival. the chaps were early. It was delivered.

It is FLAT PACK! The instructions threw me into a panic, the hundreds of screws and what not terrified me. And I cried.

It had been left in the garden. The two boxes were enormous and heavy. I had no choice but to unload the boxes outside, put the boxes in the garage and re pack them there.

I felt so stupid. It hadn’t occured to me for one second that it would be flat pack. The brochure didn’t say so, the webpage neither. The only sofas for the house I have had delivered came as complete sofas.

I really felt very silly indeed. As you know it was Father’s Day here in the UK and in the US and maybe elsewhere. Sons would be busy..indeed one was in Greece and one down in Dorset. Besides which their time is precious and if I see them I want to see them, not give them chores to do. The time will come when I will be forced to ask for help for even trivial things.

I gave up fighting this issue. I was silly not to have realised it, but I would just have to seek help.

So upshot is my friendly neighbourhood handyman Lee is coming to build my garden furniture..but not till the first week in July. Fortuntately for me I am owed a refund on my energy bill, which will cover the cost of the build and cleaning my patio.

It has been a salutory lesson for sure. I will share some before and after shots next month.

Meantime, I have made do with what I have already. I covered the table with a table cloth, I put cushion seats on the uncomfy chairs and put the rather tatty comfy recliner chair in the shade of my garden shelter. It may not be the lovely sofa yet, but I have spent many a happy hour enjoying my garden with crochet and a book.

I think I may be getting the hang of bowing to the inevitable. I just must learn to think good ideas through just a bit better. Although in this instance , no amount of thought would have led me to think that sofas came flat pack. Which reminds me to open the box the bird bath came in nearly two years ago, that too is flat pack, maybe I should pluck up courage and have a look , at least.

Joining with Carolyn and others who chose a word this year. Link here.. https://youronewordblog.wordpress.com/2024/06/24/checking-in-6-24/

Comments on: "One Word Update- June" (22)

  1. Oh no! It really should say somewhere that it is flat pack. I’m glad a neighborhood handyman is there to help you out! Can’t wait to see photos of your lovely new garden sofa 🙂

  2. How annoying that it didn’t specify flat pack anywhere, I would have expected it to come fully built as well. Maybe you could point that out to the shop so other people don’t end up in the same situation

  3. Oh bless you! That sounds disappointing when you were looking forward to it so much. I’m sure you will enjoy it when it has been built.

  4. Going Batty in Wales said:

    I don’t think I would have asked if it came assembled or flatpack either. Sometimes there are boxes stacked in the shop and it is obvious but not if there is just one on display. I have made up 2 flat pack double beds in the last few years but I did have Laura to help me – assembling anything biggish is much easier with 2 people so even if you were not daunted you might have needed help just to hold bits until the screws bite. Hopefully it will last you many years so there will be plenty of reading, crochet and lunches.

  5. Ah yes, the dreaded flat pack. I’m sorry this happened, but I’m glad you’ve found a workable and affordable solution. You’ll have your lovely furniture in another week or so. I’m glad you found cushions for your chairs and a nice tablecloth. They can work miracles. You have many lovely days to look forward to on your new bench.

    • Can’t wait for tje work to be done now. It’s really hot here in England this week, and my sofa will enjoy the only natural shade. Oh well, soon be done.

  6. Of course “flat pack” should have been specified! Although I’ve done my share of putting things together, now I’d rather not waste my time. So often in the past there would be tiny screws missing, bits of wood splintered or just not quite cut to the right size, and I would have to Make Do. But not any more. So good for you & don’t feel guilty! 💕

  7. Even with a husband I avoid flat packs and have been known to wheedle floor stock from the shop. It’s also a great money saver… only comes in flat pack? No thanks!
    The handyman is probably a more logical approach…

  8. Hurrah for helpful neighbors! And for you solving this problem!! I can’t wait to see your new outdoor furniture (and July is almost here, and there is lots of summer time yet to enjoy it!)

  9. If it wasn’t mentioned anywhere, I don’t see how you could be expected to know! This was not a mistake, it was yet another example of my nemesis: The Blind Animosity of Inanimate Objects. You will enjoy that furniture even more when it’s assembled because of the initial adversity. Personally, after 50 years as a single woman I am not intimidated by flat pack; it’s a luxury to have handy male help when I need it, but I regard these things as an interesting puzzle and only call for help with heavy lifting. You have come so far with your self-sufficiency. This was quite a small hiccup; after all, you’ve already solved the problem!

    • Bless you with your kind words. I take after my Dad who was defeated by the smallest of jobs. I recall Mum hanging pictures and doing all sorts. But he could grow terrific raspberries!

  10. I’m always being told off for being fiercely independent, but sometimes we just have to admit we need some help! Well done on finding someone to do the deed!

  11. Anonymous said:

    If it makes any difference, I wouldn’t have thought of that, either!?! If it doesn’t come from IKEA, I assume it’s already assembled… Fortunate that you have a local handyman who’s able to come so soon. It’s almost impossible to get someone to commit to ‘small jobs’ around here.
    Now I want to hear more about your birdbath! 🙂

  12. I don’t blame you for being taken aback by this – I would bot have expected this either! A flatpack bird bath? Now that should be fairly simple to assemble – I hope so anyway!

  13. Thank you for the warning – I don’t think it would occur to me that those sturdy sofas you see in Garden Centres come as flatpack.

    Looking forward to seeing it u and running.

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