Wool, Wiltshire and All Manner of Wonderful Things!

Monday Notebooks

I have finally got round to taking pictures of most of the rest of my notebooks, should you be interested!

The event book.

This is the one I use for recording the birthday and Christmas lists, cards and presents, given and received,and in which I make plans for the parties I organise. They are lovely to look back on.

Dad’s 90th Birthday

Happy days.

These are A4 size, and the top one is my journal which is now nearly full, the one underneath is for the New Year. I started this way back in 2013, it began as a record of things I was making, but gradually became a journal- it may go months without an entry, then followed by weeks of daily entries.

The first page!
This is the book in which I simply note the books I read.
Started in 2003.

I had the brilliant wheeze in 2003 of reading the books on my home book shelves and deciding whether I would ever read them again, and if not give them away. It was short lived, but I kept on writing down the books I read, I have an on going project to compile a list of 100 books that everyone should read- I’m still only half way there! A tick indicates that it was a good book- they need a star to be in the top 100 list!

And finally the latest additions to my notebooks.

are these.

The top plain one is for my morning pages, which I have kept up and am now on day 34. I used to think it made no odds if I wrote it at night, but it does. Things that have annoyed me during the day if written up at night seem to stoke the fury ( think hours on the phone listening to musack waste of time annoyance), whereas if I wait till morning I have mostly forgotten it.More importantly whilst feeling cross, knowing I am going to write it all down in the morning helps take the sting out of the source.

Also morning pages help me plan the day rather better- I still have to do lists, but writing in the morning helps clarify the thinking that goes into each item. Does this make sense?

The blue one underneath is the book I am using for the tasks mentioned in the Artist’s way in retirement- I have just started week four- a week can be quite flexible , which is why it’s bit adrift from the morning pages tally. I’m glad I started this, it’s giving me some useful insights, and the thoughts coming from it has produced some strange things I put on my Christmas wish list- for example I added chop sticks- I can’t use them, and on the rare occasions I go to a restaurant where they are used I am stuck! And embarrased by grand children who can. Time I learned. I’ve also suggested a kite!

I wonder has anyone else suggested unexpected gifts when asked for a wish list, or is it just me? I’m also on the look out for bubble mix and a ball. I found bubble mix in a GINORMOUS pot but I only want a little pot, and balls, where have all the balls gone? Second childhood here I come.

So that’s more or less it- there are of course more notebooks, but none that are used very regularly- if I get more then i will tell you!

I wonder has anyone else suggested slightly strange gifts, or is it just me? Last night husband said “why do want a bike now?” Well because there seem to be lots of cycle paths round here and it sounds fun- I don’t want to go 100s of miles!

Comments on: "Monday Notebooks" (25)

  1. On my wish list: A piece of art made by the giver and a load of farmyard manure (more valuable than diamonds to me!).

  2. Love hearing about your notebooks, and how the morning writing has yielded wish lists for your family to use! A bike sounds great, I want one too!

  3. What a lovely post! I especially love your notebook of books – those are great to look back at. My gift requests always seem off the wall to my husband because I flitter between interests so much.

    • Maybe we all should share our wishlists, love to know what things everyone is wshing for after this year. I’m glad you enjoyed my post, thank you.

  4. I’ve also kept a reading diary for years. I like the GoodReads app for when I’m out and about, also like to see what friends might have thought of the same book (you can give a star rating and a review) but my written list is a good thing too.

  5. I have gone back to morning pages and I am on week three of the tasks. On my wish list are a number of gardening items – hand rake, mud boots. Not very elegant but things that have popped up as I have been doing the tasks

    • It’s a good time to be writing a wish list from the tasks isn’t it- mine started as a list for me of possible things I’d like to try or used to be fun, and then when I was asked for a wishlist I had something to write, normally I struggle to come up with things. I hope you get your gardeining items- I could do with some new gloves, having worn holes in my current pair. How are the plans coming along?

  6. I look forward to your list of 100 books you should read…if you plan to share on your blog in the future that is. Maybe you could start with giving up 10 at a time (that would be a nice ongoing series of posts). Yes get a bike if you want one – I so enjoy cycling about!

  7. Your notebook stack looks a lot like mine 🙂 I love your list of all the books you have read – that is a great idea!
    I do sometimes suggest random gifts as well. I hope you get a bike! That seems like a great thing to have, especially if there’s a good bike path near you 🙂

    • I like th idea of hiring an e bike if one doesn’t appear under the tree- it is a big ask. So glad to read you have a stack of notebooks too.

  8. This is so cool – PLEASE get the bike if you can! My granddad still rides his, and it’s such a great way to exercise, especially now with the ebikes. Also YEAH for the chopsticks! I learned very late, but you will have fun learning! I’m really happy that you are “daring” to wish for this. 🙂

    • Thank you so much for this comment! I would love an E bike, they sound so great. I mean fancy being my age and not being able to use chop sticks!

      • I know that my grandmother, who has SERIOUS knee problems (athrosis) was able to use hers for a few years – not very long, because the back problems got the better of her, but it did buy her a more few years of exercise! So if there is a way to make this work, go for it! Maybe there is a bike shop who lets you rent one for a bit so you can see if they are for you 🙂

        • That’s a good plan if the Christmas wish doesn’t bear fruit. So far my knees etc are in working order, but I do like the idea of going out on a bike- our neighbour who is a much younger chap goes off twice a day and I am getting rather envious of him.

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